Author Archives: wim

New Feature – Email Digests

Next to the Activity Stream, Email notifications is a handy features to keep up to date of the activity in your intranet. When you’re subscribed to email updates for a page, you’ll automatically receive an email when it is updated, or when a new comment or form is submitted. When you’re subscribed to many pages though, the amount of notification emails can sometimes become quite overwhelming. If you like to receive notification updates, but find you’re getting too many emails, this new feature is for you.

Today we’re releasing a new feature: email digests. Once you turn on email digests, rather than receiving a new email for every update, you’ll receive a daily summary of all notifications. Like before, you can subscribe to just the pages you’re interested in, and all updates for those pages will be included in the digest email.

You can turn the daily digest emails on or off under Settings > Notifications > Enable daily digest emails.

Digest Email

To keep the digest emails shorter, the full details of changes to a page are not shown. You can still quickly access the changes with the direct view changes link, showing you the changes like before:

Changes between page updates

Hope you like this new feature, more coming soon!

Papyrs & Google Apps

This is just a quick announcement for new users. If you’re already using Papyrs, nothing is changing.

Google has recently updated their Marketplace for Google Apps, and we’re happy to announce Papyrs is amongst the first apps to be available in the new store.


If your organization is using Google Apps and wants to give Papyrs a try, you can access the Marketplace in the Admin Console, and install Papyrs from there. You can also read more about all the integration between Google Apps and Papyrs. Not using Google Apps? Of course you can also sign up without.

Just like before, Google Apps users can access Papyrs directly from Google’s navigation bar:


Launching Form Updates & Apps

Today we’re relasing a big update to forms. The form results page has been completely redesigned, and now allows you to view your form records in different views. By default, records are shown in a table, like before. The table view has been updated and the columns can now be resized. Using the new view settings (View & Reports > Change view defaults), you can also hide the columns you don’t need. Next to the table and list view, we’ve also added two new record views: thumbnail and calendar view.

Example - View contact records as thumbnails

Creating reports and filtering form records also became easier: in the filter panel (View & Reports > Show filters), you can now select filters and immediately see the matching records, without having to create a new report first.

Filter data and create reports

We’ve also added pagination, to make it easier to browse forms with many records.

Finally, we’ve also introduced a new option to turn forms into more complete web apps, which we call Apps mode. When Apps mode is enabled, a new page is automatically created when a new form is submitted, using the form page as a template. This way each record can be viewed on a separate page. Like any other page, you can then add additional widgets such as related documents or a discussion to each page in the app. This is especially useful if you want to organize information with a certain structure, but need the flexibility to add related information later on. For example, you could create a form to create contacts, described by a number of fields (a name, an address, and so on). With app mode enabled, when a new contact form is submitted, a new contact page is created, based on the form template. You can then add related information, files, discussions and other widgets to the contact page. You can find more information and a demo video at Papyrs Apps.

Papyrs Apps

New Feature – Move pages and categories with drag & drop

Another quick update today: we’ve now added the ability to quickly move pages between categories, as well as moving categories themselves.

Move pages

To reorganize your pages and categories, go to the Pages overview, and select By Category. You’ll now find a little drag handle on the right side of each page. To move a page to another category, just drag the page by its handle, and drop it on one of the categories in the category tree on the left. Note that users can only move a page if they are the creator of the page, or an administrator.

Move categories

We’ve also made it easier to quickly re-arrange your category structure, without having to change the category for each page individually. In the Pages – By Category overview, click the “move categories” link (note that this option is only available for administrators). You can now drag a category in the category tree, and drop it onto another category. For example, we can move the “HR Forms” category to the “Employees” category: all pages and sub-categories of HR Forms are now moved to Employees.

Moving a category - example

We hope you like the new feature, more soon!

New Feature — Tags

Today we’re introducing another way to organize your pages: tags. With categories you can already hierarchically structure your pages, just like folders on your PC or Mac. Sometimes however, you might want to group, search and browse pages by additional keywords. This is where tags come in. You can assign multiple tags to each page, so that allows you to browse and find pages by all kinds of keywords. For example, you could add tags to describe some status, responsibility, status, type of document, and so on.

To add tags to a page, go the page’s Page Settings, and click the add tags link:

Click to add tags

Just enter a list of tags, separated by commas, or select existing tags from the dropdown menu.

Edit tags

You can browse tags by pages under the Pages Overview:

Pages Overview, by Tag

Administrators can also delete and rename tags. Note: unlike categories, which are only visible if a user has access to at least one of its pages, all tags are visible to all users in your team. As always, the pages within the tags are of course only visible to people who can access them.

Just like categories, you can also pin a collection of pages with a certain tag to the menu bar. Just go the menu editor, and add a Tag Menu.

Tags menu

We hope you like the new tags feature, more is coming soon!