Editor Command Palette

We’ve released a new feature today for the editor in Papyrs, called the Command Palette:

If you’re already familiar with the concept from desktop applications, it works the same here: the Command Palette is a dialog where you can quickly find and select the most common editor commands. Simply open the dialog by pressing Ctrl+/ (or Cmd+/ on Mac), and find commands by just typing a few letters. This way you can edit Papyrs documents without ever touching the mouse. For example, to insert a Large heading, just type Ctrl+/ h2.

The Command Palette will also show you if additional keyboard shortcuts are available. For example, we’ve added a way to easily jump between widgets in the editor using Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down.

New pages overview

As part of a redesign we’re working on a refresh of many of Papyrs’ screens. One of the updated screens is the Pages overview, where you can quickly find all pages you can access on your Papyrs intranet wiki site. Next to a visual refresh, the new overview makes it easier to search, filter, browse, and reorganize pages. Some sites have already been upgraded to the new pages overview, and we’ll be rolling it out to other accounts soon.

New Feature: embed PDF documents in Papyrs

A new feature in Papyrs makes it really easy to embed PDF files directly on your pages.

When you drag a Media/Widget to your Papyrs page you’ll see a new button for PDF files:

Just upload the file and you’re set:

You can upload multiple PDF files on a page, and PDF files are automatically indexed for easy searching! In addition PDF files can be downloaded and printed directly from the Papyrs page.

Embed Google Suite Content

You can still embed Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Charts onto Papyrs pages. For more info about that see the Papyrs & Google Suite documentation.

Settings screen updates

Another redesign which we’ve made available to all sites now is an update to the settings screen. Besides a visual refresh, one goal in particular for the new design was to make it easier to get an overview of all integrations. This way Administrators can enable and access configuration options with just a few clicks (like setting up single sign on with Slack, for example).

We hope you find it useful, more design updates soon!

Profile updates

We’ve been busy redesigning many screens and dialogs over the past few months. Some of these changes will be launched later and we look forward to sharing all updates soon. A few of these updates we’ve already launched, like a design refresh of user profiles.

On a Papyrs site, each user has a profile card which people can use to look up more information about a team member (such as their status, position, expertise, and so on). With the new design, clicking on a user anywhere in the interface will bring up a new profile card, making it easier to quickly look up the details of the author of a page, or someone in the People directory, for example. Administrators can also access all user-related options from this profile card.