Category Archives: New Features

Emoji and Icons in Papyrs

Icons are a great way to make navigation easier and make your pages look nicer. You can use them in places like headings and the menu bar.


The icons will automatically show in the color of your theme to match your site’s branding.


Next to icons, it’s now also possible to use emojis everywhere in Papyrs. You can use them in pages and comments, for example.

On mobile devices, simply use the keyboard:


On macOS, you can bring up the emoji keyboard with the shortcut Control+Command (⌘)+Space. On Windows, press Win + . (period) to bring up the emoji keyboard when editing.


You can even use them in usernames. For example, one of our users on the site is a bot integrating with other software which automatically posts new updates (using the API):


Read-only forms and a video widget

Today we launched two new features for Papyrs.

Read-only Papyrs Forms

Like most features in Papyrs, you can use the permission system to restrict user access. For some forms regular users should be able to view records submitted by other people but not edit them. Or maybe users should only be able to view the forms they submitted themselves. Or maybe users should not be allowed to view any form records at all.

Form access permissions can be set by clicking “change form properties” below the Form Submit button

When a user is allowed to view a form record but not edit it, there are now two view options: 1) the reports view and 2) the read-only form view.

In the reports view you can get a list of all form records matching your search criteria (who created it/when was it created/what form fields are selected)

In the read-only view users who are not allowed to make changes can still view a form record the way it was originally filled out.

Video widget

Today you can add videos directly on your Papyrs site. This is in addition to the previous video options: you can still add videos to Papyrs pages using the YouTube widget and videos from other platforms (like Vimeo) can also still be embedded onto Papyrs pages. Now there are two new ways to add videos to your intranet site: using the Papyrs Video widget and as attachments to Feed and Discuss comments.

When mpeg 4 videos (*.mp4) are added as attachments to comments a video player will show automatically.

Of course the videos will play on your mobile device as well:


When you add a Media/Widget to a Papyrs page you’ll now see a new Video icon show up on the “Social Media” tab (we’re going to find a better place for the video widget soon). Here you can upload a video directly onto your Papyrs page:


That’s it for today. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

March updates

One of the additions we’ve added this month is a Breadcrumb Navigation widget. Breadcrumb links are a quick way of showing the location of a page. Because it shows the hierarchy of categories, you can also use it to quickly jump to any of the related categories, and browse any of the pages there. As an example, it looks like this:


You can add it to a page by dragging a Navigation widget to your page, and then selecting Breadcrumb navigation.

We’ve also made some additions to the API, allowing developers who are building integrations to customize permission and notification settings when programmatically creating pages (documentation for developers).

Checklists updates

One the widget types you can add to your Papyrs intranet pages is the Checklist widget. This way you can create workflow documents, checklist based manuals or simply create pages with tasks for team members.

Today we’re releasing a small update allowing you to move checklist items between different lists on your page. Simply start dragging an item by clicking on the dotted drag handler to the left and drop it on any other list. Here’s an example of how that works:

Move tasks between Checklists

Like the example in the screenshot above, this can be very useful in case you want to drag tasks between users, for example. Or perhaps you want to include a Kanban-like board on your document where the items can be dragged between different stages. We use it to keep track of ideas and upcoming projects, for example, picking items of the list as we finish our pending tasklist.


Version history makes it easy to see what tasks were moved or added:


Edit Conflict Warnings

When working with multiple people on your intranet site you may run into situations where somebody else is editing the page you want to work on. Now Papyrs lets people know so you don’t accidentally overwrite other people’s changes:


If you’re viewing a page while somebody else saves a new version you’ll get a message about that too:


Finally, if you have the Papyrs editor open in two browser windows Papyrs will now let you know as well so you don’t overwrite your own changes by accident. This is not a big feature, but if you ever run into edit conflicts, you’ll be glad it’s there!